Technology Education
This course is the capstone course of the engineering program. Students will conduct real-life case studies and refine their skills for solving problems by using the design process. Students will be required to conduct in-depth research, develop solutions, and construct working prototypes that solve complex problems. Students will use computer-drafting software to demonstrate and explain gear ratio, material stability, and stress analysis. Students will design and develop a comprehensive electronic and print design portfolio to present the results of their research and solution. This course satisfies the 5 credit 21st century life and careers/career-technical education graduation requirement. Educational Links
International Technology and Engineering Educators Association
The International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) is the professional organization for technology, innovation, design, and engineering educators. Our mission is to promote technological literacy for all by supporting the teaching of technology and promoting the professionalism of those engaged in this pursuit. ITEEA strengthens the profession through state and national legislative efforts, professional development, membership services, publications, and classroom activities.
The Technology Educators Association of New Jersey
The Technology Educators Association of New Jersey is dedicated to the interests of technology education and of the individuals and groups associated with this field of education within the state of New Jersey. Its goal is to foster and promote technology education in the state of New Jersey through a program of education both within and outside of the profession. It will provide the means through which technology education can be approached, studied, and presented on a unified statewide level. TEANJ will provide assistance in establishing technology education programs. For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology Our mission is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.