World Language ESL
Shawna Guikema, MS French
Alda Cornec, HS French
Teresa Fahy, HS Spanish
Lourdes García, ESL
Cesar Mendes, HS Spanish
Beth Viglianco, HS Spanish
Amanda Brown, Department Supervisor
to the Department of World Languages/ESL
to the Department of World Languages/ESL
Warren Hills Regional Schools offer study in three languages: French, German, and Spanish. We encourage every student to become a citizen of the world through the study of a second language. We emphasize the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards of communication and culture. We offer students in our Level IV and Level V AP courses the opportunity to receive the NJ Seal of Biliteracy through ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages).
The aim of these offerings is to enable students to use the chosen language for communication and to develop insights into the literature and culture of the respective countries.
The aim of these offerings is to enable students to use the chosen language for communication and to develop insights into the literature and culture of the respective countries.