Programs and Services
- Externalizing behaviors
- Internalizing behaviors
- Low incidence disorders
Language/Learning Disabilities Program (LD)
Learning disability is one of the federally defined Specific Learning Disability criterion. A learning disability is a neurological disorder which may manifest in the areas of reading, listening, spelling, reasoning, recalling, and organizing information. Accommodations and modifications are used to provide learners with the opportunity to achieve academic success.
Multiple Disabilities Program (MD)
Multiple disabilities are defined in one regulation as "concomitant impairments (such as mental retardation-blindness, mental retardation-orthopedic impairment, etc.), the combination of which causes such severe educational problems that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for one of the impairments,” (34 C.F.R., sec. 300[b][6]). Multiple disabilities does not include deaf-blindness.
Autistic (AU)
In this setting, learners with a myriad of disabilities including students with Autistic Spectrum Disorders and those with the most severe physical, cognitive, and communicative impairments. The common connection between students in this category is not just that they have two or more coexisting impairments, but that they generally need extensive support across any number of skill areas. Further, as previously stated, students may have average or above average intelligence but may have significant needs which are best met in a more restrictive setting.
General Education Supplemental Program (GES)
The General Education Supplemental Program provides learners with supplementary aids and services in the general education classroom to enable students with disabilities to be educated to the maximum extent appropriate with non disabled peers (NJAC 6A:14-4.5(a)).
Gen. Ed. Supplemental instructional program provides learners with academic assistance in the Least Restrictive setting. Students are afforded with academic assistance in a general education setting to the maximum extent possible with minimal supports.
In Class Support (ICS)
In Class Support is a form of collaborative or co-teaching instructional methodology. This form of teaching occurs when there are two or more certified teachers in the classroom. The teachers share the educational responsibility of both the general and special education students who are assigned to that setting.
This collaborative teaching method utilizes a content area specialist and a special education practitioner who is able to provide modifications and adjustments to meet the needs of students with disabilities.
In Class Resource (ICR)
Resource programs offer individual and small group instruction to students with disabilities. Instruction may be provided in the general education class or in a pull-out classroom that meets the requirements of NJAC 6A:26-6. In Class Resource programs offer specialized instruction that is organized around a single subject and are provided to students with disabilities by a certified teacher of students with disabilities. Pull Out Resource Center
Pull Out Resource Program is a form of Resource Instruction where learners with special needs are educated in a separate learning environment by a special education teacher. Students may receive Pull Out Resource Instruction in one or more than one major subject area in a small group setting.
This instructional method is available to middle school students who may present with significant educational differences from peers in the general education setting.
School Based Youth Services
The School Based Youth Services Program (SBYSP) is a service provided through the Family Guidance Center of Warren County. The Warren Hills School District has two School Based Youth Programs that services the middle and high school respectively. All Warren Hills Regional School District students are eligible to participate in the School Based Youth Services Program.
There is no cost for participation in the program or services. However, the consent of a caregiver is required. The School Based Youth Program provides learners with academic assistance, individual and family counseling, after school and summer recreation, support groups and parental/family support opportunities. For additional information about the supports and services offered by the School based Youth Services Program can be gathered by visiting the website or contacting them directly at (908) 835-3350 x 3617.
Student Assistant Coordinator
The Student Assistance Coordinator (SAC) provides crisis management services to all students and staff. The responsibilities of the Student Assistant Coordinator includes, but is not limited to, handling referrals for suicidal and homicidal ideation and other mental health concerns.
The Student Assistance Coordinator directs the Crisis Management Team, coordinating services both in-house and with outside agencies for students and families in need, enforcing the school district's drug and alcohol policy, managing the Random Mandatory Drug Testing Program (RMDT), advising the Peer Leadership Program and leading the Conflict Resolution Program.
Therapeutic Intervention Program
The Therapeutic Intervention Program (TIP) was effectuated to address the emotional and behavioral needs of students at the Warren Hills Regional High School. The Therapeutic Intervention Program provides a quiet, peaceful, educational setting where learners are afforded an opportunity to decompress, rejuvenate and reacclimatize to their educational programs and school expectations.
Students are welcomed from all special education programs where learner has presented with behavioral concerns that would present with a disciplinary offense that would have typically been addressed with traditional disciplinary actions. The Therapeutic Intervention Program provides an alternative for learners to be served in an environment that focuses on intervention and prevention. Best Buddies
The Best Buddies program endeavors to enhance the lives of people with intellectual disabilities by providing opportunities for one-to-one friendships and integrated employment. Best Buddies International is a growing movement where people with and without intellectual disabilities are dedicated to ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to develop a meaningful friendship.
The Best Buddies program at Warren Hills is based on the core foundational principles which offer members the following: one to one friendships, leadership development and integrated development. To learn more about Best Buddies you can visit their website: They thank you for your support.
Kidz Connection
Kidz Connection is an inclusive club where students at the middle school are able to socially connect with each other. Students in the special and general education are able to meet and engage in activities that promote positive values and improve self-esteem.
The main objective of Kidz Connection is to teach tolerance, empathy and understanding so as to create a school climate that is diverse and accepting of learners of all abilities. Kids Connection fosters lifelong connectedness through guided activities in order to dispel myths and fears and breakdown barriers and obstacles that students may have about those with disabilities.
Kidz Connection has celebrated an overwhelming general education student body participation where the mantra, “different but not less,” has been embraced. Meetings are held monthly. Community Based Learning
Community Based Learning initiatives serve to develop student success and citizenship through community engagement, life skills development and community integration. Students need to learn, practice and be involved in their community in order to facilitate an environment that is embracing and meaningful.
The community based learning offerings at Warren Hills Middle and High School serve to provide a school without boundaries as instruction is developed and reinforced systematically through community and stakeholder involvement. Learners are afforded opportunities to participate in the their immediate surrounding cluster communities and the state of New Jersey at large. Experiential learning through activities that take students beyond the confines of their home district is beneficial in developing citizenship and preparation for independent living.
The goal of Community Based Learning programs is to afford learners with opportunities to engage in skill acquisition in the areas of service learning; life skills development and reinforcement; social interaction; work based learning; environmental education and the development of relationships and resources.