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Special Education Advisory Council SEAC

The Warren Hills Regional School District’s Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) works to understand, respect, support and implement the most applicable educational programs for each student with exceptionalities.  Our Council seeks to provide parents and caregivers with pertinent information to help them understand and make decisions in the best interest of their children while collaborating with other school organizations and agencies in an effort to achieve the best educational programming for all students enrolled within the district.
The Warren Hills Regional Special Education Advisory Council works in partnership with parents, faculty, administration and staff in an effort to promote a positive home school relationship where all educational stakeholders are involved in providing learners with a community of care.  It is the goal of the Warren Hills Regional Special Education Advisory Council to provide families with a medium where they are able to share, collaborate, communicate, and network with other parents and professionals on the behalf of learners and caregivers of students with special needs.
The Warren Hills Regional Special Education Advisory Council systematically reviews all aspects of educational practices, policies, curriculum and student needs to ensure that all parties, faculty, staff, administration, parents and students are afforded an educational experience that is based on continuous improvement through partnership and discourse.
Members of the Warren Hills Regional Special Education Advisory Council hold to the belief that through educational partnerships, they can better enable students to achieve their fullest potential.  The Warren Hills Regional Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) meets regularly to provide workshops and networking opportunities to parents and community stakeholders.