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Facilities Calendar and Submit Requests Application

In an effort to maintain emergency accessibility, please observe the "NO PARKING" and other signage areas within the Warren Hills Regional School District campuses.  These areas are clearly marked with both yellow paint and/or legible working as well as traffic signs.  Among others, these areas include the front cul-de-sacs, yellow curbing, painted directional arrows on  pavement indicating proper flow of traffic as well as "Do Not Enter - Buses Only" signage.

Violations of these areas are all subject to the Washington Township Police violation practices.  All summons and fines are the responsibility of the vehicle in breach.We appreciate your compliance with our continuing efforts to keep our properties safe for all our students, faculty and visitors.  
Click here to view the Facilities Calendar for availability as well as to submit a Use of Facilities requests for the desired dates/times/locations through the rSchoolToday application.